Translation of instructions into the national language


One important step in the review of medicinal products and medical devices is to check that the translation of documents into the national language is appropriate.

Pharmacology is one of the most difficult areas of translation. General written translation skills are lacking to work in this area. The special features of pharmacological documents, terminology as well as accepted abbreviations oblige the translator to be as accurate and competent as possible in their field.

The interpreter's work with supplementary sheets, general drug information, instructions for use for medicines and medical devices has its own peculiarities.

Instructions made strictly in a prescribed form, written in a specific language that does not tolerate ambiguous explanations or vague words.

Specificity and accuracy are the main criteria for the interpreter of medical instructions.

New words, terms, and names of medicines are constantly emerging in the pharmaceutical industry. A pharmaceutical interpreter is someone who is always aware of all the new information about the production and release of new medicines.

Our specialists have been carrying out the following demanding and extensive translation tasks for many years:

- clinical research reports;

- information on drug and vaccine testing;

- instructions for use for medicines and medical devices;

- information on the composition and indications for use of medicines;

- a general description of the medicine;

- various reference materials on pharmacology

- compliance with the authenticity of marking layouts, labels, stickers;

- quality translation into the national language of instructions, packaging layouts of medicinal products and medical devices and other materials of the registration dossier to be translated into the national language.

No country will allow medicines to be used on its territory without instructions. For effective use of medicines, it is important that the instructions to be correctly translated into the local language.

Price list for a one-page translation of instructions for medical use of medicines, medical devices and medical technology.